For Investors
At Cushner Capital Group, we offer high-yield trust deed investments (9.0-12.0%) to private individuals, corporations, non profits, pension plans, 401Ks, retirement funds, IRAs, Roth IRAs, Self-Directed IRAs, and SEP accounts.
We originate Trust Deeds, creating favorable yields for you, the investor. By investing in a trust deed, you become the mortgage lender, earning a fixed interest rate over a defined term – typically 3 years or less. Your investment is protected by the equity in the property, which is typically 35% or more, and by title insurance.
Based upon today’s Bank CD yields of 1.5% and the volatility of the stock market, an investment in a Trust Deed backed by strong equity in California property is a favorable and stable investment. The Trust Deed will create a fantastic rate of return and monthly cash flow for you or your retirement vehicle.
At Cushner Capital, we have been creating investment opportunities in real estate since 1989, and have brokered over $50 million dollars of loans and alternative investments.
All Trust Deeds scenarios are carefully reviewed and evaluated before being presented to you, the investor. We do the initial diligence to confirm that the value, equity, title, use of funds and repayment strategy all make sense and are within our lending parameters.
We receive numerous private mortgage requests, produced by our marketing efforts and referral sources. These requests range from a small first Trust Deeds of $50,000 up to larger ones at $2,000,000 or more. The properties range from Residential to Commercial, and from conventional to unconventional!
Currently, we are seeing more and more really good scenarios each month, perhaps in part due to the much stricter guidelines for bank lending set by the government just recently.We are seeking to add interested Trust Deed Investors to our network in both Northern and Southern California. Your investment can be as little as $50,000!
We typically fund Trust Deeds in metropolitan areas in California, where you, the investor, are comfortable. We know that every investor has a financial threshold, whether it is the area, amount, term, etc. Our goal is to provide you Trust Deed scenarios that fit into your criteria and comfort level.
For Borrowers
At Cushner Capital Group, we offer borrowers alternative lending solutions to challenges from the institutional mortgage world. We specialize in arranging private mortgage money loans, collateralized by equity in real estate – residential and commercial.
We understand that hidden challenges come at folks from all sides and sizes. Sometimes homeowners have difficulties qualifying for conventional financing due to bank guidelines, conditions of the property, self-employment or credit issues. Sometimes investors need a quick closing, rehab monies, or better cash flow. Other times, a great investment means refinancing despite credit woes. Not to worry, our loans are based on equity.
We understand that traditional banks do not readily underwrite specialized loan needs. Additionally, institutional lenders are cutting programs for borrowers including stated income and cash out loans. Our hard money loans are designed to accommodate a wide range of specialized financing needs under strict time limits, so that you can take advantage of unique opportunities or preserve your assets. We are collateral based lenders.
If you have strong equity position in one or several properties, yet cannot get what you are seeking at the bank, please contact us! We can help!
For Brokers
We are looking for sensible owner and non-owner residential or commercial real estate loans that have substantial equity. We know the difficulties that face brokers in today’s chaotic and changing financial world, and we offer help for you and your clients. We understand the value of a broker relationship and WE WILL PROTECT YOU!
We offer some of the better LTV, rate and terms available for hard money loans. We can pre-approve and close loans quickly, so you can get your transactions done, satisfying your borrowers and your agents! Fees and points will vary slightly depending upon LTV’s and other factors.
We work hard to provide the best service and support. We recognize that your efforts and referrals are an essential part of our business, and we value your decision to work with us. If your loan does not fit into our criteria, we will respond quickly, so that you can maintain your client relationship. We understand that your reputation is critical to your future success!
If you are frustrated by promises that are not kept, quotes that constantly change, or misleading promises about the ability to fund loans, please call us! We make it happen! Please call or email us with your owner or non-owner hard money loan scenario.
Please send us your loan scenario, including loan application, credit, loan summary, photos, use of funds and exit strategy. We appreciate your business and hope to help your client reach his/her goals.